Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions
Forest Management Plan 2024-2033
At Flametree, graphic design is the cornerstone of our skill set with all brand strategy and subsequent communications being strengthened by strong design. We are able to create new corporate brands or work with existing brands to ensure a consistent image is presented across a range of media.
This is well demonstrated by recent publication work we have undertaken for one of our Western Australian government clients. Flametree successfully submitted a proposal to design, typeset, layout and print the Forest Management Plan 2024-2033 (FMP) for the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions. This included the draft version and subsequent final version following public comment. The text was supplied in word documents with images, graphics and maps supplied individually to be either reworked or inserted. There was a firm schedule for deliverables: sample page designs, first proof, amendments, interactive version, preliminary printed copies for submission to parliament, review and final printed draft plan. The document was to closely follow the corporate style guide whilst still being clean and widely accessible.
The Brief
The final document is 134 pages plus cover and the printed copies contain 3 x A1 maps which were printed and inserted into plastic sleeves that were glued to the inside back cover.
The transfer of assets between the Department and Flametree was done via a shared dropbox folder and alterations were supplied as PDF proofs with marked- up comments, with new proofs being resupplied on completion.
The draft plan was delivered on time and to the quoted budget. A second printing of the draft plan was subsequently requested and delivered as required.
The final plan was completed in August and we are working on adjustments following a period of public comment and EPA review. Again we have worked with the Department representatives to form a schedule of deliverables which has been tightly woven around the Christmas break. The final plan is now 166 pages and will go to print early in January.
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