Our Blogs
We regularly put into words and pictures our thoughts and observations about brand, design and communication. We welcome you to read these articles and hope they are provide information, create interest, curiosity or just enjoyment.
The team at Flametree are encouraged to record their observations about design trends, design technology, digital platforms or even what books or films they have recently seen. These are originally published in our e-newsletters and then preserved here in the Blog section of our website.
Working closely with brands across many different marketplaces, we are given opportunities to meet fascinating people and see the workings of amazing organizations. We often come away not only feeling great about how we're able to help these brands having gained knowledge in the process. We feel that it is important to share any insights we may gather to the wider community and what better way than via the web.
If you have enjoyed a particular story we would love to hear from you. You can let us know what you thought or may have something to add. The easiest way to do this is to click the contact button and have your say in by submitting a contact form.

Boatshed Sails into Eco Packaging
Our client Boatshed Market asked us to help them source and design a set of sustainable generic baskets.

The Ripple Effect
Our ongoing interaction with clients across a broad range of industries demonstrates a definite shift in attitude favouring the protection of our environment.

Whadjuk Country
In 2013 the City of Perth asked us to produce a pair of brochures featuring maps and information for two trails through the CBD highlighting significant sites of Aboriginal heritage.

From Little Things…
A recent website produced by Flametree was for Little Industries, a Goldfields supplier of quarry products. It is a straight-forward website that acts as a showcase for the company’s products and services.

Which Font is that?
Over the years we have heard clients use the term ‘font’ in many different ways.

Sculpture by the Sea 2023
A short stroll down the road from the studio the Cottesloe beachfront has been buzzing with visitors swarming to look at the art recently displayed along the sea wall and beach.This years crop of beautiful, bold and sometimes bizarre sculptures have been once again on display by the sea.This is the 19th year we have hosted the world class sculptural extravaganza.

A House of Luxury Brands
Bernard Arnault is currently the richest person in the world with a present net worth of $195.6 billion surpassing Elon Musk’s fortune in late 2022. He is the 73 yr old co-founder, chair, and CEO of LVMH - a publicly listed company which owns and operates many of the world’s leading luxury brands.

Should you use Shopify in Australia?
Looking for a website platform that takes care of your online sales and inventory but still allows for customisation to suit your brand? Look no further than Shopify, one of the best e-commerce platforms in the industry!

Setting the mood for creativity
As we transition slowly out of the COVID what advantages do we regain in terms of enhancing our creative productivity? We look at the impact a busy environment (or the lack of it) has on us when we work and how it can have a positive effect.

Marketing with Machine Learning
As the race to gain insights into our behaviour becomes more and more competitive the realm of Machine Learning also gains importance. MachineLearning, sometimes known as Artificial Intelligence allows data scientists to program computers to analyse massive amounts of data points and extract insights as it measures, compares, evaluates and tests.

What we're reading : 'Sell Like Crazy'
Some key takeaways putting a fresh face on long established marketing principles include: The importance of working hard on building the business as opposed to working hard in the business and risking being overrun by the minutiae of day to day operations. Work to know your customers better. In Suby's own words, "Not just the usual stuff like age, gender, location, what products or services they enquired about, and how they found you or what channel they came in from (although you want to know that too). You need to know them much more intimately.” In doing so you can define a target persona (or several), understand what influences them and how to get them to notice you in a crowded market place.

WTF is NFT?!
With our eyes on the world around us, our studio is often buzzing with opinions on current events - especially within the ever-advancing tech world. Chances are within the past few months you have heard the term "NFT" or Non-Fungible Token.Still confused?

Behind the wall
Recently the studio’s ‘full disclosure’ faction had a win over the ‘less is more’ diehards. If any of the 35,000 vehicles that pass by our front wall everyday were wondering what goes on behind the wall our new signage now provides some clues.

Is my phone recording me?
With our eyes on the world around us, our studio is often buzzing with opinions on current events, news and theories.

What we're reading : Digital Gold
A recent conversation with a client turned to Crypto Currencies and had I to admit that my knowledge of things Crypto was a bit thin. Not because I wasn’t interested, rather I had never set aside the time to learn more. I was recommended "Digital Gold" as a great starting point. It tells the story of Bitcoin from the initial concept to a realised world-wide currency that is helping to revolutionise how money works for us. If you are anything like me and a bit reluctant to wrap your head around another new technology, this book offers an excellent entry point and is a thoroughly entertaining read at the same time.
We'd love to work with you
There's not much we don't know about creating and promoting brands. Contact us today to discover how we can help grow your business.